SMART Seas is operating in all National MPAs in Kenya, Tanzania and the Seychelles!
Kenya Wildlife Service SMART Seas Program:
The KWS is currently applying adaptive, science-based management in all national MPA: Malindi, Watamu, Mombasa, and Kisite. Recently, Kiunga, a jointly managed MPA is also working to join the network.
Tanzania Marine Parks & Reserves Unit
TMPRU started applying the SAM approach in a pilot MPA, Mafia Island Marine Park, in 2013. Tanzania is now working toward nationwide expansion of the approach to include all marine parks and reserves.
Seychelles National Parks Authority
The SNPA launched SAM as an approach in August 2016. A national training was held for all MPAs in the nation and pilots have been launched at Curieuse National Marine Park and St. Anne's Marine Park.